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Factors affecting the hardening speed of injection molding

Release date:2018-07-25 Click number:14449

Nowadays, the application of injection molded parts is quite extensive, and more and more enterprises are engaged in injection molding. In our process of injection molding, we often need to pay attention to the hardening rate of injection molded parts. Hardening speed is too slow to affect the efficiency of injection molding processing. What are the factors affecting the work hardening speed of injection molded parts?

The hardening speed of the injection molded parts is closely related to the variety of the molded parts, the shape of the plastic parts, the wall thickness, the molding temperature and the preheating and prepressure. For example, the measures such as the ingot, preheating, the improvement of the molding temperature and the increase of the pressure time are all able to accelerate the hardening speed. In addition, the hardening speed of injection molded parts should also meet the requirements of molding methods. For example, during injection or injection molding, chemical reaction and slow hardening must be required during plasticization and filling.

In addition, when filled with cavity, it should be rapidly hardened under high temperature and high pressure. Injection molding slow hardening plastic will make the molding cycle longer and lower productivity, and fast hardening plastics can not be molded into complex injection parts. Therefore, the hardening speed of injection parts must be strictly controlled in the process of injection molding.





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